The guidelines for reviewing articles for publication in the Financial Internet Quarterly are in accordance with the “Good Practices in the academic peer reviewing process” published by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
Firstly, all articles submitted to Financial Internet Quarterly are subject of verification by Professional Plagiarism Prevention System iThenticate under cooperation with Sciendo. Then, each submission is checked by the Section Editors. At this stage, Editors determine whether the manuscript fits the Journal aim and scope, or they may reject the submission when they have observed that manuscript quality in the areas of literature review, used methodology or language communication is too low. For the last two years it has been observed that rejection rate is systematically increasing, in 2020 it was around 10%, then in 2021 it has 20%. In 2023 this indicator obtained level of almost 30%. It proves that the quality of delivered papers is constantly increasing.
Upon receipt of a proposal for an article and its acceptance by the Section Editor, potential reviewers are selected based on their specialization in the field of the article. The potential reviewer receives an inquiry containing:
- title of the article,
- abstract of the article,
- information on the contents of the article,
- required deadline for receipt of the review,
- request for any further requirements (such as the need to deliver the source data upon which the research results of an article is based).
Manuscripts are sent to at least two independent reviewers for double-blind peer review. The reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. Evaluation of the reviewed article is done using the reviewer’s form designed by the Editorial Office.
To review each article two independent reviewers are appointed from outside the research unit affiliated by the author of the manuscript (one person is from Poland and one from abroad). In situation, when one review is positive and second one is negative, Editorial Office ask for additional, third review. This review gives the outcome and final decision, if article can be published or not.
Reviewers are not to consider manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions connected to the papers.
Once reviewers have provided their feedback, the Editor-in-Chief, in consultation with the Editorial Board, may decide to accept the Author’s manuscript, request minor or major revisions, or decline definitively the manuscript. Editor-in-Chief informing the Author about final decision within 30 days from submission of the manuscript. Each manuscript is published within around 50-60 days from submission date.
Download the ‚Good Practices in the academic peer reviewing’
Reviewers of articles published in 2024:
Kamil Gemra, Warsaw School of Economics (Poland)
Hrisitina Blagoycheva, University of Economics – Varna (Bulgaria)
Patrycja Kowalczyk-Rólczyńska, Wrocław University (Poland)
Barbora Rydlova, Prague University of Economics and Business (Czechia)
Marek Szczepański, Poznań University of Technology (Poland)
Eskil Wadensjo, Stockholm University (Sweden)
Marcin Pęksyk, The Gdansk School of Social and Economic Studies (Poland)
Eva Ropero, European University of Madrid (Spain)
Jacek Jakieła, Politechnika Rzeszowska (Poland)
Yevhenii Rudnichenko, Khmelnytskyi National University (Ukraine)
Milena Kowalska, Wrocław University (Poland)
Emira Kozarević, University of Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Joanna Rutecka-Góra, Warsaw School of Economics (Poland)
Gamal Atallah, University of Ottawa (Canada)
Lejla Lazovic-Pita, School of Economics and Business, University of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Piotr Sołtyk, Krakow University of Economics (Poland)
Teresa Mroczek, University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów (Poland)
Seyyide Doğan, Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University (Turkey)
Beata Świecka, University of Szczecin (Poland)
Francesco Trivieri, University of Calabria (Italy)
Iwona Dorota Czechowska, University of Lodz (Poland)
Hanna Szymborska, University of Leeds (United Kingdoms)
Maciej Czaplewski, University of Szczecin (Poland)
Federick Soto, European University of Madrid (Spain)
Monika Banaszewska, Poznań University of Economics and Business (Poland)
Uliana Nikonenko, Ukrainian Academy of Printing (Ukraine)
Krzysztof Waliszewski, Poznań University of Economics and Business (Poland)
Dragan Ivan Oleksandrovych, Ukrainian Technological Academy (Ukraine)
Mateusz Mierzejewski, Krakow University of Economics (Poland)
Otokar Schlossberger, University of Finance and Administration (Czechia)
Joanna Rosak-Szyrocka, Czestochowa University of Technology (Poland)
Ferhan Benli Vahit, Istanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi (Turkey)
Agnieszka Bem, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu (Poland)
Romana Cizinska, Prague University of Economics and Business (Czechia)
Danuta Dziawgo, Nicolaus Copernicus University (Poland)
Lyobov Klapkiv, UMCS Lublin (Poland)
Tomas Krabec, University of Economics (Czechia)
Beata Fałda, Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Chełmie (Poland)
Plamena Nedyalkova, University of Economics Varna (Bulgaria)
Agnieszka Kopańska, Warsaw University (Poland)
Vladimir Momot, Alfred Nobel University (Ukraine)
Oleksandr Dluhopolskyi, WSEI University (Poland)
Ademir Abdic, University of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Katarzyna Wójtowicz, UMCS University (Poland)
Viktor Trasberg, University of Tartu (Estonia)
Adam Węgrzyn, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu (Poland)
Oksana Diuk, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University (Ukraine)
Alina Yakymchuk, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University (Ukraine)
Joanna Stawska, University of Lodz (Poland)
Iryna Ruda, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Ukraine)
Kamil Kotliński, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie (Poland)
Tajana Barbic, The Institute of Economics, Zagreb (Croatia)
Piotr Podsiadło, Krakow University of Economics (Poland)
Katarzyna Stabryła-Chudzio, Krakow University of Economics (Poland)
Jan Mertl, University of Finance and Administration (Czechia)
Ulyana Zaremba, University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów (Poland)
Vlatka Bilas, University of Zagreb (Croatia)
Tomasz Potocki, University of Rzeszów (Poland)
Volodymyr Martyniuk, University of Economics and Innovation (Poland)