Anetta Sokołowska | Victor Trasberg
pages: 61-76;
EL classification: E62, L26, M13;
Keywords: fiscal policy, new business density, entrepreneurship, COVID-19;
Abstract: The article analyses relationships between fiscalism indicators and the number of newly registered companies (i.e. a new business density index). The study covered the period from 2015 to
2020 (inclusive). Considering the timeframe, the purpose is to determine the impact of COVID-19
on new firm formation. Two principal research hypotheses are formulated. The first hypothesis
assumes a negative impact of fiscal burden on the creation of new firms. The second hypothesis
assumes that COVID-19 reduced interest in starting new business entities. The research results
demonstrate that there is a negative relationship between fiscalism and new firm formation.
Contrary to expectations, the research has shown that COVID-19 did not adversely affect the
creation of new companies, as the new business density index remained stable in most of the
analyzed countries.