Zahid Bashir | Zulqurnain Zeeshan Rafique | Kashif Naseer Toor
pages: 1-15;
JEL classification: C1, C4, C8, G2, G3, L2, L6;
Keywords: dividend policy, financing decision, debt financing, equity ratio;
Abstract: e study investigates the factors that influence dividend payout policy in public Pakistani manufacturing companies throughout the timeframe 2010-20. Pooled OLS technique was used for
regression purposes, as the majority of companies do not pay a dividend at all or do not do so
regularly so all these firms were excluded from the final dataset. The study discovers that dividend payout in listed Pakistani manufacturing firms is significantly affected by ratio of short-debt, ratio of long-debt, ratio of total-debt, life cycle ratio and cash ratio. Similarly, short term
debt ratio, ratio of long-debt and life cycle ratio, increase the dividend payout while cash ratio
decreases the dividend distribution ratio for publically traded Pakistani manufacturing companies. The policymakers/financial advisors and decision-makers in listed Pakistani manufacturing
firms should take into consideration factors such as debt financing, life cycle ratio, and cash ratio
in making their dividend policies.