Aida Rizvanovic | Adnan Efendic
pages: 1-15;
JEL classification: A20, J30;
Keywords: education, individual earnings, human capital, Bosnia and Herzegovina;
Abstract: This paper investigates the effect of formal education on individual earnings in Bosnia and
Herzegovina (BiH). We use empirical regression analysis and an extended Mincer\'s model, which
are applied to the Labour Force Survey data from 2018. Our empirical results suggest that
a higher level of both statutory and additional education has positive and statistically significant
effect on higher earnings of individuals in this post-conflict society. Such a finding implies that
investment in education, both statutory and additional, bring economic benefits to individuals,
although this is sometimes challenged by the general public of this society. Moreover, we find
that employees in the public sector record systematically higher earnings than those in the
private sector, suggesting a need for strategic policies targeting this difference. The outcome of
our analysis is a good indicator of productivity achieved through improved educational
performance, and thus provides scientific evidence to the positive effect of human capital
hypothesis in BiH.