Vladimir Momot | Olena Lytvynenko
pages: 73-82;
JEL classification: G01, G21, M14, M51;
Keywords: corporate culture, employer image, value system, generation theory, generation Z, social capital, management style, job enlargement, job enrichment;
Abstract: The article discusses the problems of commercial banks related to the deterioration of their image
as employers, especially in eyes of the millennial generation, which soon will become the most
attractive category for employment in modern business. The main criteria that guide the millennial
generation when choosing a future job are identified. A detailed analysis of the strengths and
weaknesses of banks as employers has been carried out, and advice for image improvement has
been formulated, aimed at the young audiences of potential bank employees. It was proven that
banks should build not only an effective PR campaign to create a powerful image of a reliable
employer, but at the same time they should establish a reliable system to counteract unfair
competition, ultimately aimed at destabilizing financial institutions, which are most sensitive to
image problems.