Magda Ciżkowicz-Pękała
pages: 54-66;
JEL classification: G30, L20;
Keywords: Trade credit; Corporate finance;
Abstract: The paper analyses the motives behind trade use credit in the Polish enterprise sector, based on
the results of the 2016 NBP Annual Survey. It verifies the conclusions stemming from trade credit
theories regarding both the main motives driving supply and demand for trade credit, as well as
explaining the variation in their relevance across companies. The analysis shows that trade credit
supply in Poland is driven to a large extent by suppliers’ desire to win and maintain their customers:
allowing deferred payments creates attractive terms of sale and is often a requirement set by
clients with strong bargaining power. These results indicate high willingness of customers to settle
their payments on a deferred basis, which could mirror an important fact uncovered by the survey:
contrary to the assumptions made in many theories, trade credit proves to be a relatively cheap
form of financing for the majority of the surveyed firms. As a consequence, trade credit could be
perceived by firms as an attractive, standard tool used in day-to-day business rather than an expensive
form of financing used only to address specific problems or achieve other benefits that would
outweigh its high costs. Survey results provide some confirmation for this explanation of trade
credit demand.