Archives - No. 4/2009all articles

The assessment of multi-channel distribution model of banking services in Poland

Patrycja Chwirot-Zakrzewska
  Abstract: The paper discusses developing multi-channel distribution strategy by commercial banks. The multi-channel distribution model is defined as activity comprising both electronic channels of distribution and traditional networks of local branches in the process of selling banking services. An increasing level of competition in the banking services industry and development of modern technologies that offer new possibilities of distribution of bank services have led to increased interest of commercial banks in adopting the strategy. Thus, new problems related to information and communication technologies, especially those related to consistency and intercommunication between all the distribution channels, are becoming essential for ensuring customer access to banking services in accord with their needs and expectations. The article briefly presents both the main rationale for the multi-channel distribution strategy, key types of distribution channels used by universal banks operating in Poland and expected changes in the use of different distribution channels by corporate and retail clients of the banks operating in the Polish banking sector. The aim of the article is to provide both a review of the literature on the multi-channel distribution systems as applied to the banking services markets and the results of empirical studies concerning implementation of such strategies in the Polish banking services industry. The empirical study involves both the analysis of distribution channels currently used by universal banks operating in Poland (based on the survey conducted in universal banks operating in Poland).
